Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

MaDE a DRiviNg LiCenSe

I'm VeRy AnoyeD,toDay wAs thE 3th day I cAmE agAin aT CurUp foR ContinuEd made my drivIng LiceNse.BuT noT alS0 geT reSulT.The FirsT day I caMe at WedneSday,jAnuAry 7th 2009.AfteR added I comAndeD to heAlty Room foR heAlty Test.but After geT reSult of HealTy teSt I comanDed beck home and beck again at SunDay,jaNuary 12th 2009 for TheorY teSt.I thOughT made could finiShed in ! day buT nO.................
At The neXt daY I bacK agaiN buT I didn'T back again at TuEsday,January 13th 2009.That day was thEory Test and PractiCe teSt.But wHo maDe mE boRriNg I muSt waiTed long foR FolloWed tHat teSt.After I waiteD long,aT length I foLlowed tHeoRy teSt in 5th room and I went throught.After tHeOry twSt i comAnded to FolloWed practice teSt,and I didn't go throuGht.I was Very Sad beCause I coUld not Made a DrivIng License in That day....................

The End......

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